Monday, October 27, 2008

A Thing of Beauty... the IU School of Information Science. Witness the lovely verdant meadow gently enfolding the SLIS building. Clasp an eye on the serene pond where a weary willow caresses the water's surface. Here a small creek murmurs the seasons away, a cool ribbon of blue splashing over rock and stone.

Tucked away behind foliage and field, a gazebo sits nestled in peaceful solitude.

My week in Bloomington was ecstatic. On the final night we went to eat at La Charreada, and there Andres made some inane, degrading comment to his wife. As evidenced, she didn't take it very well. Snap.

Farewell, dear friends. Andres, you will go on to be a wonderful writer. Alisa, you are a formidable musician, worthy of the highest accolades. Both, please never let me order a giant strawberry margarita, ever again, or, in my drunken stupor, allow me to embarrass myself in such utterly shameful degree.


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